Vicia faba L. var. major Harz
Brand: Kurzemes Seklas
Packaged:15,0 g
Availability:In Stock
Ex Tax: 1.35€
Broad Bean "Witkiem".
Height 90 cm. Early and high-yielding with 25-30 well-filled pods per plant. Large, white, flavorful beans of the best quality. Excellent for freezing. Weather resistant.
1,0 g = 1-1,5 seeds.
Agricultural technology.
Beans grow well on loamy, clayey, slightly acidic soils with sufficient moisture. The best predecessors of beans are cabbage, potatoes, pumpkin and various root crops. The soil for beans is dug up in autumn on a spade bayonet. Humus, mineral fertilizers are introduced. Before sowing, the seeds are soaked for 2-4 hours in water. Then the seeds are sown in moist soil to a depth of 6-8 cm in a tape method with a distance between the tapes of 50-60 cm and between the seeds in the tape - 25-30 cm.
Further plant care consists in loosening, regular feeding, light hilling and watering in dry weather. At the beginning of mass flowering, the tops of the shoots are cut off. This contributes to the uniform ripening of the beans and is a means of combating black bean aphids. Harvesting of beans is carried out in several stages: at the stage of milky ripeness of the grain, and fully ripened beans are harvested for winter consumption.

* To prevent moles from bothering your plot, plant broad beans around its perimeter. Moles cannot stand them and, even if they have settled on the plot, they leave it. 
By the way, broad beans are "vegetable meat" and also enrich the soil with nitrogen. They are good predecessors of strawberries and at the same time will shelter your plantings from the wind, and in winter they will help with snow retention. They do not need support, and there is no need to weed them out for the winter.

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